How do I place an order?

There are 2 ways you can place an order.

1) *Recommended*
Contact us directly by clicking on the Whatsapp widget on the bottom-right of this page and schedule an appointment with us. You can come by our shop, have a look at our samples and try on our keepsake jewellery to ensure the size fits you perfectly before making your order. You can also personally hand us the ashes/bones/hair/fur.

2) Place an order for the keepsake jewellery you desire from our online store. You will receive an order number immediately.

Place the ashes/bones/hair/fur into a ziplock bag and label it with your order number. Put it in an envelop and label the envelop with your order number and mail it to us.

Attention to: Apart.sg

C-3-19, Centrio , Jalan pantai murni, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Although not necessary, we highly recommend all customers to come by our store to ensure the jewellery fits them perfectly before placing an order, and to personally hand us the ashes/bones/fur/hair.

How do I get the ashes?
Human ashes and pet ashes can be requested from the crematorium or funeral parlours here in Malaysia to create these keepsake jewellery.

How much ashes/bones is needed for 1 piece of keepsake jewellery?
Just 1 gram or 1/3 teaspoon of ashes/bone is sufficient to make each piece of jewellery.
Any remaining cremains not used will be returned to you.
What can I do if there is no cremation?
A strand of hair/fur is enough for us to safely preserve such a precious memory to make these memorial jewellery. However if possible, do send at least 5 strands of hair/fur.
What happens if I do not have ashes or hair?
A part of a personal belonging of the person/pet who has departed, or something special that you and your loved one have shared can be infused into our keepsake jewellery. Please reach out to us using the Whatsapp Widget on the bottom right side of this page if you have any questions.
How long will it take for me to receive the keepsake jewellery after purchase?
You will receive the jewellery and the remaining ashes/bones/hair/fur anywhere between 4-6 weeks after your order has been placed. We will notify you when it is done.
Can I wear my ring all the time, even when swimming or taking a shower?
Our jewellery is designed to be always be by your side. However, if you want your jewellery to last for as long as possible, do keep them dry.

How do I know my ring size?
Our rings are in accordance with the US ring sizes. Alternatively, you could head down to the nearest jewellery shop to get your sizing before placing an order. You could also schedule an appointment with us by clicking on the Whatsapp widget on the bottom-right of this page to reach out to us directly to try it on first before making an order.

Click the Whatsapp widget on the bottom-right of this page to reach out to us directly!